Last updated:
11 jul 2019

Hoya aldrichii (EKW)



I got this hoya as an unrooted cutting in September 2006. It rooted rather fast and started growing a little... the new growth dried up and then it didn't want to start growing again. Boring hoya! But I didn't give up on it... After I moved to my apartment in June 2008 I cut it down and rooted several smaller cuttings together, but it never really got any good place because it didn't grow much...


In November 2009 I moved to a house again and this little plant got a place in a semi bright window in our basement and there it started growing slowly... since it grew so slow I took new cuttings in November 2011 and put them in my hoya room in the basement and now it has finally started growing, even a new little vine so there's hope now


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