This hoya was
first named Hoya valmayoriana and it was published in 2012. It had been
in circulation for quite some years as Hoya sp. DMC 1622 and Hoya
sp. IML 0831, but then it got a name of its own and it was named in honor of Dr.
Helen Valmayor. It only had its own name for a few years, then it
was added to the blashernaezii... and was published again in 2014. |
I got this
hoya as an unrooted cutting in July 2006. After rooting it I
put it in a sunny window and it grew quite well for a couple of
years. Then when I moved in 2008 I couldn't give it the same sunny
spot so it was sort of slowly down hill... I moved again in 2009 and
in our new house I cut off what still looked good and today I have a
rather nice blooming plant and it sure gets lots of sun i our
sunniest window. |
The first time
it bloomed was in May 2011 and since then it has bloomed a lot. They
really do look like if you take flowers from siariae and "bend" them
backwards. They are sweet, but I guess I like the look of siariae
better. |
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