I bought this hoya as an already fairly large plant in February 2006.
It didn't have any label, but on the shelf where it stood was a
sticker with H. incurvula 'Sulawesii' written on it. When I looked
for some info on the internet later the same day there was total
confusion! In some places it said that incurvula had been changed to brevialata...
Not that it surpriced me in this djungle of hoya names, but couldn't
it, just this once, be "easy"??!! |
The plant I
bought was a fairly large hanging plant, but it was almost naked on
one side... So, I took out my scissors and cut the plant down
completely. I planted as many cuttings as I could in fresh soil and
when my "surgery" was successful it sure got crowded in the pot! In
the spring 2008 I decided to sell my plant to make room for another
hoya... |
The plant bloomed already when I
bought it and it was with one flower with
six lobes.
When the plant started growing after I cut it down it bloomed more
or less all the time. It felt like I was always cleaning up dead
flowers from the floor, or they got stuck in my socks! |
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Read about how it all started
Why did I start collecting hoyas?

Private hoya
Check out some
of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world

hoya links
Here you will find public sites from all over the world, places to
buy hoyas from etc.

Hoya forums
Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet.

Other great
Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites,
crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. |