Last updated:
11 jul 2019

Hoya compacta C. M. Burton



I can't find any info on where this hoya comes from, but it was described in 1990.


Hoya compacta has a very different way of growing. It's hard to wrap around a support, but with force it can be done. However, it's best grown hanging.


The curly leaves grow close on the vine making it possible to miss new peduncles and buds until they are quite big. These leaves vary in size and colour but they can be descibed as curly carnosa leaves. There is also a variety that has curly carnosa 'Rubra' leaves. This hoya is NOT carnosa, but it was the best way to describe the leaves!


The flowers are mostly pale pink/pink and the white corona has a red ring in the middle. The flowers form almost round balls and you can find 30-50 flowers in an umbel. Each flower is 1-1.5 cm, produces very little nectar and has a vague fragrance similar to Hoya carnosa. The flowers last about one week.

To view more photos and read about my Hoya compacta, click here:


To view more photos and read about my Hoya compacta 'Mauna Loa', click here:


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