Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya davidcummingii



I bought this hoya as an unrooted cutting in July 1999. The lady I bought it from called it Hoya gracilis, which I soon found out that it wasn't.


It certainly isn't the easiest hoya to grow - at least not if I may say so! I've had to renew it several times over the years and the only good thing about that is that I always end up with more cuttings in the pot than before. The summer 2010 I renewed it again and it has grown quite a lot since then, and flowered a lot too. The flowers have been red, light pink, almost yellow on this hoya and I think the yellow ones showed up when the roots had started rotting... They looked neat though!


Even though this hoya isn't all that easy to grow, it certainly flowers often and willingly. Mine flowered the first time in June 2000 and there always seems to be new ones on the way all the time. It even flowers during the winter!


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