Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya diversifolia Blume




This hoya comes from Malaysia, Indonesia, Thailand and the Philippines and it was described in 1826.


This is a robust fast growing vine that needs a large support and the vines stiffen fast so you'd better help it to stay on its support. If not, it'll soon have grown into the neighbour hoyas! The leaves are elliptic and the size vary from 6-16 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. It really lives up to its name when it comes to the leaves...

The flowers are fuzzy and flat and there are normally 10-20 flowers in each umbel. The corolla is pale pink/beige, and the corona is dark pink. These flowers are quite small, about 1 cm, but SO cute! The flowers produce a lot of nectar that turns orange/brown as the flower gets older, and the picture above shows this. The fragrance is hard to describe and it's not strong. The flowers last up to one week.

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