Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya griffithii J. D. Hooker





This hoya comes from the Himalayas (India and China) and it was published in 1883. From what I have read there is also a clone with yellow flowers and I guess I'll just have to get me one of that too!


This hoya seems to be easiest to grow on a support, but it doesn't twine well on its own so it needs help to stay on its support and not grow straight into its neighbours... mine did that! The leaves are narrow, about 1.5-3 cm wide and 6-12 cm long. They are dark green and some leaves have quite a few spots and some only very few. When grown in bright light / some sunshine this hoya gets very nice red leaves. It's said that this hoya needs to grow cooler, but I keep mine in the hoya room in the basement where it gets very warm/humid days and cooler nights and it sure seems to like these conditions and bloomed after 1.5 year!


The flowers are well worth waiting for even though they are "just" white and almost flat, about 3.5 cm wide. They produce some nectar and last about (I'll have to get back on that since mine is blooming for the first time right now). The fragrance is absolutely wonderful and the closest description I can think of is the fragrance when you walk into a flower shop with all these mixed fragrances from cut flowers...


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