This hoya
comes from Luzon (collected in 2007 by Siar and Cajano) and was
published in 2009. It's named in honor of Lourdes B. Cardenas
(former head of Museum of Natural History, UPLB). |
The relatively
thick stem makes me think this is a hoya best grown on a support,
but it doesn't seem to be a twining hoya. Mine has just started
growing, but I'll change/update this page as soon as my experience
changes/increases. In one description I've read said it had a
hanging way of growing... The leaves are rather thick with slightly
visible lighter veins. They are 4-6 cm long and 3-4 cm wide. On
younger leaves the veins are more visible, but they "even out" as
they mature. |
The flowers
are really something! The colour of the corolla is really dark red/burgundy
and the corona is even
darker. I have seen photos where they look more red, but that can be
from the light when taking the photos. Each flower is rolled back,
but in flattened state they are about 1 cm and you'll find 15-20
flowers in an umbel. The fragrance is like most other butter scotch
hoyas, i e very sweet and pleasant. The flowers also produce quite a
lot of nectar and they last about 4-5 days. |
To view more photos and read about my Hoya
lucardenasiana, click here: |

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