Last updated:
25 dec 2011

Hoya memoria



This is a hoya that I've had at two different occations. First time I bought a big blooming plant and that was in August 2004, but I got tired of the plant rather fast because it was just not as nice as I had expected and I didn't feel like cutting it down and re-root an new better looking plant so I sold it after a few months.


In August 2009 I was participating at a Garden Fair and if we found bigger "common" hoyas before the fair, we bought them to show and preferably sell. I bought a linearis, a retusa and a memoria. The plant photo at the bottom is before the fair. Retusa was sold almost right away, but nobody wanted linearis and memoria so they had to return home with me... On the way to the car memoria crash landed on the asphalt and a lot were broken and the root lump fell out of the pot, which was broken. I cut it up when I got home and I potted a lot of cuttings in a rather big pot and quite a few smaller ones in a smaller pot. The rooted part was thrown out... The smaller plant grew well and was sold on a Hoya gathering here at home in June 2011. My own plant has recently started blooming so we'll see if it is a frequent bloomer as they say!


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