Last updated:
16 jul 2012

Hoya pachyclada x Hoya sp. Bangkok #4




Hoya pachyclada comes from Thailand, was described in 1939 by Kerr and I know nothing about Hoya sp. Bangkok #4.


This is another pachyclada hybrid, a cross which is quite easy to grow. When you look at the shape of the leaves they look mostly like pachyclada, but with the occational spot I guess it comes from the sp. Bangkok. The size of the leaves is definately like pachyclada, about 5-11 cm long and 2.5-5 cm wide. The leaves get very few flecks, visible veins and get red edges when grown in sunshine.

The flowers have white corolla with brown tips and the corona is white with pink in the middle. They measure about 1 cm in diameter when fully reflexed. You'll find 10-20 flowers in an umbel. The flowers produce quite a lot of nectar and they last about one week.

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Hoya sp. Bangkok #4
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