This hoya comes from Java and it was described in 1916.
Hoya uncinata is a synonyme to this hoya but even though padangensis
was published after uncinata the correct and valid name is padangensis.
Sometimes you see the name oncinata too, but that is just a
misspelling of uncinata. |
This is a twining hoya but it
doesn't grow too fast so it's easily controlled. The leaves are thin, but
hard and somewhat curved, 6-12 cm long and 2-3.5 cm wide. The leaf surface
looks coarse but feels smooth and the leaves have lots of grey flecks. The
leaf colour vary from light grey green to dark green. |
The flowers on this hoya are
really different from your "normal" hoya. They are about 1.5 cm each, pale
pink/brown with white corona and there are few flowers in each umbel. The
corolla lobes are curled up giving the flowers a sprawling look. The
flowers last about one week, have a strange not too pleasant fragrance and
on the tips of the coronas there are small drops of nectar. |
To view more photos and read about my Hoya
padangensis, click here: |

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