I bought this
hoya as unrooted cuttings (I think she sent me three) in August 1999. I
put it on a small trellis and it grew nicely at first and then all of a
sudden it stopped growing and lost some leaves. In June 2000 I cut it up
and made a hanging plant instead. It really seemed to like that "treatment"
and it rewarded me with one flower in August 2000. Then it didn't flower
again until May 2001, but then it kept on blooming until October... This
is one really cute hoya! |
We bought our
house in June 2002 and moved in August the same year and pauciflora
didn't like that at all... It had stopped growing and lost a lot of
leaves. It was deja vu all over again. I couldn't find any bugs anywhere,
but just in case I renewed it and hung it by itself right next to our
south facing patio door protected by a mosquito net. It stopped loosing
leaves and all the cuttings rooted nicely. In July 2003 it was time for
the yellow leaves again and by now I was ready to just throw the whole
plant out, but decided to give it one more chance of renewal... I'm glad
I did that, because it grew more than ever and the vines got quite long
in 2004. Since then it has grown some, the leaves have turned yellow,
I've renewed the plant and the last time was in early spring 2011 and so
far it looks promising...
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Read about how it all started
Why did I start collecting hoyas?

Private hoya
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of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world

hoya links
Here you will find public sites from all over the world, places to
buy hoyas from etc.

Hoya forums
Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet.

Other great
Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites,
crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. |