I bought this
hoya as a rooted rather big cutting in October 1999. It did grow fast
and after about one year my plant was three (I had cut it up) rather big
cuttings and in December 2000 it flowered for the first time. Three
cuttings and three umbels of flowers... Since then I've cut longer
branches shorter and stuck the new cuttings back in the pot. It's
getting quite crowded in the pot and I was hoping for lots of flowers
this winter, but only one umbel developed buds. Maybe next time -
whenever that will be! |
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Read about how it all started
Why did I start collecting hoyas?
Private hoya
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of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world
hoya links
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buy hoyas from etc.
Hoya forums
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crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. |