Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya quinquenervia Warburg




This hoya comes from the Philippines and it was described in 1904.


This is a hoya that can get rather big. It has rather big leaves, between 6-12 cm long and 3-5 cm wide and they have very few flecks. The leaves have lighter veins and they are often a little arched and the edges are often bent inwards. New leaves are mostly red when this hoya is grown in bright light, but they turn green as they mature. I've also noticed that if you give this hoya lots of sunshine even older leaves get a red tint, but there's also a risk that they can get burned...


I find these flowers rather cute, but a little plain. They have pale yellow corolla and white corona with a red center. The corolla lobes point a little forward. The flowers are about 1 cm and produce no nectar. The fragrance is sweet and not very strong, but with many umbels open at the same time the fragrance can fill a whole room. You'll find 25-50 flowers in an umbel and they last 3-4 days.


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