I got this hoya
as a large unrooted cutting in May 2006. It came from a very sunny
place so I thought it would enjoy the sun, but this rigida is one
that gets sundamaged yellowish leaves if it's grown in too much sun.
It rooted fast and started growing a lot, but since the sun damaged
my plant I cut it down and restarted a new cutting, or if it was two...
Anyway, this is what I do from time to time when the plant doesn't
look too good and this way I keep it from getting too big. Though I
should probably let the scissors rest if I want it to bloom again
and THAT is something I really want! |
The leaves on
this hoya are a more narrow than other rigida and they also have
more spots than I've seen on any of my other rigida, but the spots
are almost as green as the leaves. They are 12-20 cm long and 5-8 cm
wide. |
The flowers were
a really nice surprise! I thought they would be green, but these
were a very nice soft yellow and the fragrance was very nice. My
plant only bloomed twice (in May and July 2008) before I cut it down and restarted it, but
I'm hopeful of seing these sweet flowers again! |
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