I bought this
hoya as an unrooted cutting in May 2011 from Australia. The cutting had
very ugly leaves, but looke healthy at the same time. It rooted well
and started growing. What grew out was a peduncle, but no new vines
or leaves. Then it was downhill for this cutting and the first to
fall was the peduncle and then all leaves but one. I repotted it in
the fall of 2012 and put it in my hoya room when that was done in
October 2011, but nothing happened. It just stood there, but it
didn't take up much space so I left it there and that was a good
decision because at the beginning of July 2012 I noticed a new vine
coming from the soil a few cm from the rooted cutting so now it
feels like there could be hope. I have sort of "fallen" for the
scortechinii type flowers so it would be nice if also this one would
bloom some time... |
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