I got this hoya
along with several other hoyas in Maj 2006. It was a rather long
unrooted cutting and I cut it up to get a nice hanging plant
faster... Or so I thought! It turned out to be very slow when it
came to rooting, but once it did it grew quite well. When the vines
get too long I cut them off, root them and put them in with the rest
in the pot. |
The flowers
showed up for the first time in July 2007, so I would easily say
this is a fast blooming hoya. Since those first flowers it has
bloomed with one umbel now and then, but never more than that one
umbel. The plant has several peduncles so it seems possible! |
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Read about how it all started
Why did I start collecting hoyas?

Private hoya
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of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world

hoya links
Here you will find public sites from all over the world, places to
buy hoyas from etc.

Hoya forums
Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet.

Other great
Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites,
crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. |