Last updated:
02 aug 2012

Hoya sp. Chicken Farm (EKW97-005)




This hoya comes from Sabah in Borneo. It was collected by Eva-Karin Wiberg (EKW) in 1997. Judging by the name you would think it was found near a chicken farm. This hoya reminds very much of Hoya finlaysonii.


The leaves are dark green, hard and have quite a few silvery flecks. The size vary a little... My old plant had leaves that were 8-11 cm long and 5-7 cm wide and my new cutting have leaves that are 11-15 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. I've read that this hoya can get leaves up to 20 cm long and I look forward to seeing that on my new plant.


The reflexed flowers are 5-6 mm in diameter, have yellow corolla with red/brown tips and the corona is white with a yellow center. You'll find about 15-30 flowers in an umbel and the fragrance is weak, a little like citrus and spicy. The flowers produce very little nectar and they last about 4-5 days.


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