Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya davidcummingii Kloppenburg




This hoya comes from the Philippines and it was published in 1995. It has previously been incorrectly sold as Hoya gracilis.


This is a small hoya best grown hanging. The leaves are thick, dark green with darker edges and the underside is lighter green. The leaves are small, about 4-6 cm long and 1.5-2 cm wide. It can be tricky to root and to get a nice plant you need to put several cuttings in the same pot. It's not the easiest hoya to grow, but as long as it's not over watered it should be fine. If you see the leaves shrivel up, take cuttings and start over!


Hoya davidcummingii flowers often and sometimes already as a cutting. The flowers are mostly flat, sometimes a little reflexed and each flower is only about 8-9 mm. The corolla is pink and the corona is yellow with a red center. It produces little nectar and the fragrance can be described as caramel like. The flowers last about 5 days and there are 10-15 flowers in an umbel.

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