Last updated: 
07 jul 2019

Hoya heuschkeliana ssp. heuschkeliana (yellow)



I got this hoya as an unrooted cutting in October 2005. If I didn't know it was supposed to have yellow flowers I would have just thought it was a regular heuschkeliana. I'll just wait to see the yellow flowers, which are supposed to be a little bigger than the pink. Unfortunately my cutting grew very slowly and in the end it died... I intended to get another one when I had more hoya space again and I have that now so a new little cutting has rooted and just started growing. We'll see if I can keep this one alive. It's still alive, but doesn't grow much...


In September 2011 I bought a fairly large rooted plant from Thailand and when it arrived it was (just like many of the plants from there) bigger than I had expected. I potted it as a hanging plant and placed in a west facing window, same as the regular pink one. It seems to like it there and has grown some since it moved in. My plant bloomed for the first time in July 2012 and the flowers are cute. The ones on my plant are not as open as on the photo I took at a friends hoya gathering.


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(I took the flower photo when I was at a friends hoya gathering,
so I don't know if this is the way my flowers will look like.)


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