Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya heuschkeliana Kloppenburg




This hoya comes from the Philippines and it was described in 1989.


Hoya heuschkeliana can be grown either hanging or wrapped on a support. The leaves vary in size and can be 3-7 cm long and 2-3 cm wide. It is said that the leaves get bigger and thinner when grown in a humid climate. Normally the leaves are rather thick, a little curved, lighter green underneath than on the top and they can get quite red when grown in full sunlight. The leaves are normally smaller when grown in full sun; only about 1-3 cm long and 1-2 cm wide. However, the foliage gets beautiful!


There is also a variegated heuschkeliana and the foliage on this one is absolutely gorgeous! The leaves are white in the middle and have green edges and new leaves are red or dark pink at first...


This hoya flowers a lot. I cant' remember if mine has ever been without flowers or buds! The flowers are really different compared to other hoyas. They are urn shaped, pink, about 5 mm and there can be up to 12 flowers in an umbel. There is also a heuschkeliana with yellow flowers and these are a little bigger than the pink ones. The flowers last about one week and the fragrance can be descibed as caramel like, sometimes as sour milk... It's all in the nose of the smeller!


There is also another yellow variety called Hoya heuschkeliana ssp cajanoae (Kloppenburg & Siar, 2007) and this differs from the yellow form with more urn shaped flowers where the corolla lobes are fully open and fold out.


To view more photos and read about my Hoya heuschkeliana ssp. heuschkeliana (pink), click here:


To view more photos and read about my Hoya heuschkeliana ssp. heuschkeliana (yellow), click here:


To view more photos and read about my Hoya heuschkeliana ssp. heuschkeliana (variegated), click here:


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