Last updated: 
07 jul 2019

Hoya heuschkeliana ssp. heuschkeliana (variegated)



I saw this hoya on Ebay (Australia) and found it really cute, but the seller didn't ship to Sweden so I tried to forget about it... until I checked if it could be sent to another place within Australia where we (a lot of hoya crazy Swedes) occationally order cuttings from so I bid on it and won. I paid for it and then it was sent and I didn't get any information if it had arrived or not, so I feared the worst... Our big order was sent from Australia and the waiting was tough until I drove to a friend to pick up my cuttings at the end of September 2011. The tension was unbearable until I opened my bag and there it was... a lot smaller than expected, but just as cute as on the photo. It was rooted, but the roots were washed thoroughly and not very long and had a piece of moist cloth around.


I potted it directly when I got home that evening and put it in a bright spot where I thought it would like it, but the roots had probably been damaged and the plant lost some leaves. About three weeks after this hoya arrived my hoya room in our basement was done and the plant moved down there, under lights and heat. It didn't take long before it perked up and started growing. It has grown some and mostly it produces new leaves at about the same spots, but it's definately not a fast growing hoya! Compared to the regular pink variety I would say the regular one grows about three times as fast.


I noticed the first buds at the end of April 2012 and the flowers opened in May and they are much darker than the "regular" pink one and smells stronger too. After those first flowers it has bloomed three more times. It's really cute! 


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