Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya 'Jennifer'






Hoya 'Jennifer' is a suspected cross between Hoya incrassata and Hoya finlaysonii, hybridized by Michael Miyashiro in Hawaii in 1995.


The leaves are dark green, have a rough surface with visible even darker green veins. The leaves are slightly pubescent on the underside, which also is a bit lighter green. They have very few flecks and the size of the leaves vary between 10-18 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. So far, but they say this hoya can get leaves up to 20 cm long!

The reflexed flowers have white corollas with red tips and the coronas are white. The flowers are about 1 cm and you'll find 10-20 flowers in an umbel. They have a typical incrassata/finlaysonii fragrance, but not as strong as incrassata. They also don't produce as much nectar as incrassata... for which I'm grateful! The flowers only last a few days, but this hoya compensates for that by flowering quite often...

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