Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya limoniaca S. Moore




This hoya comes from New Caledonia and it was described in 1921.


It's a fast growing hoya with lovely foliage. The leaves are light green with visible veins, about 6-11 cm long and 2-4.5 cm wide. The thick foliage makes this a hoya worth growing even if you don't get flowers on it.


Even though this hoya has a lovely foliage, the flowers are really something worth waiting for. They can have anything from pale yellow to more mustard yellow corollas, white coronas with yellow tips and red centers. The flowers are flat, about 1 cm and you'll find 20-40 flowers in each umbel. I don't know if it has anything to do with it, but I've noticed that the thicker the foliage got the longer the new peduncles get. It's easy to miss these flowers in the foliage, but you can't miss the fragrance. It reminds of Hoya carnosa, but not as strong and a little different. The flowers last about 5 days and produce no nectar.

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