Last updated:
13 aug 2012

Hoya verticillata (albomarginata)



I bought this hoya as a fairly large plant in September 2005. It came with a a couple of tiny peduncles so I hoped to see the flowers some day soon. I had several verticillata before, but I just had to have this one too. I like the verticillata! This one has a nice foliage where the leaves have white margins and the leaves also seem a little bigger than other verticillata.


The leaves are 7-14 cm long and 3-6 cm wide.  They are rather thick, dark green with white margins and some flecks. The foliage is absolutely lovely. New leaves seem to get a red hint when young and the "white" looks pink when young.


Blommorna är bakåtböjda som andra verticillata. Knopparna är läckra med gröna ränder och blommorna är vita med lite svagt färgade korollaspetsar.

The flowers are reflexed like all verticillata. The buds are really cool with green stripes and the flowers are white with slightly darker corolla tips.


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