Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya globulosa Hook f.




This hoya comes from Himalaya and it was described in 1882. This hoya is also know as Hoya villosa.


This hoya has rather long leaves, about 11-16 cm long and 3-6 cm wide. The leaves are light green with darker veins and this makes the foliage really nice. It's a hoya mostly grown for the leaves, since getting flowers seems to be difficult...

The flowers that I have seen on photos are flat, have white corollas and white coronas with some red in the middle. Today (Aug 16, 2007) I received an e-mail from a lady here in Sweden. She sent me photos of her Hoya globulosa in bloom (flower photo on next page). She said the flowers have a strange but yet nice fragrance...

To view more photos and read about my Hoya globulosa, click here:


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