Last updated:
07 jul 2019

Hoya hybrid 'MM'




This hoya was bought with a sticker on it that said: Hoya hybrid 'MM' (MM probably stands for Michael Miyashiro). It looks more like the one that goes under the name HSI-037, but if that is a real name or not I really have no clue...


This is a hoya which is best grown on a support. It has smooth bright green leaves and no spots at all. The leaves look almost like plastic, but it's a beautiful hoya. The leaves are about 7-12 cm long, 2-3.5 cm wide with visible a little "sunken" middle nerv. This hoya has clear sap.


The flowers were a real surprise! They are bigger than two pubicalyx that I compaired with that bloomed at the same time. The size of each flower is nearly 2.5 cm and they are dark pink with black stripes, not all hairy as pubicalyx but they are hairless right next to the coroan which is white with pink center. You'll find up to 50 flowers in an umbel and they produce quite a lot of nectar. The fragrance remind of pubicalyx, but it's not as strong and personally I think this one smells better than pubicalyx.


To view more photos and read about my Hoya hybrid 'MM', click here:


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