I bought this
hoya as a semi big plant in February 2004. I believed it to be Hoya
longifolia and thought it would be a nice addition to my white flowering
hoyas. It grows really fast and the new vines tend to grow into
neighboring plants or anything else they get hold of! |
My plant
developed several buds from the beginning, but they blasted when they
were quite small and then started over again. Until one day in the
middle of August 2004 when it opened two umbels of flowers... That's
when I realized it was NOT Hoya longifolia, but Hoya inconspicua. The
all green inconspicua. BUT, there are doubts that it really is
inconspicua... so what is this hoya really called? Hoya sp.
Who-Knows? Until more info comes I'll leave it here... |
Once this hoya
starts blooming there seem to be no stopping it! In July 2005 it
had a total of at least 30 umbels open at different times and new seem
to be on the way all the time! Because I already
have so many hoyas with candy like fragrances, this is not a hoya that I
would normally buy, but now that I have it I'm glad I did buy it. Mostly
because of all the flowers... Other than that, it's quite boring in my
opinion. |
In June 2006 I
rearranged my plant to hanging. I needed the window space for
something else... I put it on a piedestal in front of a window and
it seemed to like it there since it bloomed now and then. After
moving to my apartment in June 2008 I hung this hoya in a sunny
eastern window and it bloomed like crazy! Also after moving to a
house again in November 2009 it got to hang in a sunny eastern
window and blooms quite a lot. In the spring of 2011 the hook it
hang on couldn't take the weight anylonger and it fell to the floor
and on the way down it took three erythrostemma with it... Quite a
few vines were broken and there is a crack in the pot, but it
doesn't show much. The erythrostemmas had it worse! |
To view any of
the pictures on this page bigger, click on them and they will open up in
new windows. |

Read about how it all started
Why did I start collecting hoyas?

Private hoya
Check out some
of my favourite private hoya links from all over the world

hoya links
Here you will find public sites from all over the world, places to
buy hoyas from etc.

Hoya forums
Here you will find links to different hoya forums on the internet.

Other great
Here you will find links to search sites, garden sites, fun sites,
crazy sites, and other "useful" sites. |